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The Selection Committee for the Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship of the CAPES-PrInt Program in Mechanical Engineering, formed by professors Alexandre Pino (PEB), Albino José Kalab Leiroz (PEM), Fernando Alves Rochinha (PEM), Fernando Cesar Lizarralde (external member, PEE), and by PEM student Hema Carla Moreira (PEM student), evaluated the documentation submitted and the merit of the application presented for the project “Engineering applied to problems in medical and biological sciences” and decided, unanimously, to nominate candidate Victor Carlos Texeira, who will complete the sandwich period at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate Studies (Japan).
To make the concession effective, the selected candidate must follow the process opening in SEI, to send the complete documentation to PR2 (details on the website mentioned above) by Wednesday, July 20th.
Dear teachers and students:
The Mechanical Engineering Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at UFRJ informs that it has a sandwich doctoral scholarship, lasting six months and starting between January and March 2023, within the scope of the following CAPES-PRINT project at UFRJ: Engineering applied to problems in medical and biological sciences.
The Internal Selection Notice and Registration Form can be downloaded via the links.
Best Regards,
Fernando Duda (PEM Coordinator)
Applications are now open for the Public Competition for filling a vacancy in the position of Professor of the Higher Education Career (Adjunct Professor “A” - 40h/DE) for the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Polytechnic School of UFRJ/Manufacturing sector. Applications are open and can be made through the electronic address on the PR4 page until 23:59 pm on July 13, 07, Wednesday, as well as asking questions.
For more information see: