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O Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) from UFRJ announces the opening of registrations for the Simplified Selection Process (PSS) intended for hiring two substitute teachers, in the Manufacturing sector, being two different contests.
Registrations must be made on the website PR-4 Competitions, in the period between 14:00 pm on 25/11/2024 and 17:00 pm on 04/12/2024 (Brasília official time), where the candidate can obtain the PSS Notice and its attachments through internet.
Interested parties must send the required documentation to the email:
Public competition for Assistant Professor A - two vacancies, in Mechanical Engineering Program/Department, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Registration extended: 11/06/2024
Notice No. 54, 30 January 2024
Do not miss it!
Click HERE for more information!
They are open, until March 31th, 2024, registrations for 02 (two) monitoring scholarships at LIG-LEPAC, from Department of Mechanical Engineering at POLI/UFRJaccording to the PEALIG 2024 Notice.
Interested parties, please Send CV and Academic Transcript to Victoria Ottoni (LEPAC Coordinator), via email:
Selection Process for POSTDOCTORAL Scholarship (POS-DOC) – 2022/2
The scholarship, which will last 12 months and will be worth R$6.110,00 per month, is intended to finance a researcher without an employment relationship and who will be exclusively dedicated to the PRH. The selected researcher must formally join the Mechanical Engineering Program at COPPE as a postdoctoral fellow and will be supervised by a PRH8 professor accredited by COPPE.
The Laboratory of Simulation and Methods in Engineering (LASME) is offering scientific initiation scholarships for undergraduate students. Mechanical Engineering at UFRJ. Interested parties should send their CV and transcript to the email
Price: R $ 1878,00