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A University Extension It is the University's action with the community that enables the sharing, with the external public, of the knowledge acquired through teaching and research developed at the institution (https://extensã Extension accounts for at least 10% of the mandatory workload of the Undergraduate course at UFRJ.
In the undergraduate course in Physiotherapy, the curricularization of extension was implemented in the curricular reform of 2017.1. Thus, all students who entered the Physiotherapy course from 2017.1 onwards are required to complete the workload of 516 hours in duly registered extension actions..
UFRJ Extension Actions are developed through Courses, Events, Projects or Programs, coordinated by professors and/or technical-administrative staff. These Actions must be registered with the Pro-Rector of Extension (PR-5) in order to be accredited and certified.
If you are a student and want to participate in an extension activity, visit the PR-5 website HERE to find out about all the actions available at UFRJ and during the course registration period, simply access the Integrated Academic Management System (SIGA) and sign up for the action of your interest.
For students of the UFRJ Physiotherapy Course, below we detail the information you need to know to enroll in the Extension:
The student who entered the course BEFORE for 2017.1, NO is required to complete the Extension workload. Even if you have chosen the curriculum version 2017.1 (5 years). NO It is necessary to complete the Extension workload, in this rule what counts is the year of entry into the course.
After choosing the extension activity of your interest, we suggest that you contact the coordinator of the action to obtain information about how it will take place, the days, time, number of vacancies, and whether you qualify for the Extension Action. Once the coordinator has accepted, simply access the Integrated Academic Management System (SIGA) and request your registration. The action coordinator will receive your request and accept your registration; you will then be included in the extension action.
About registration in RCS Extension:
- FMWZ52 Curricular Activity FTP Extension, this is the RCS that needs to appear on your Bulletin, it will show the total number of hours you have completed each semester and at the end of the course it will count whether you have reached 516 hours (you only need to register for this RCS once).
- Even if there is an RCS with another name and code, registration is required. FMWZ52 FTP Extension Curricular Activity.
- For academics who have another RCS in the Bulletin, it will be necessary to migrate the hours to the RCS FMWZ52 Curricular Activity FTP Extension.
When you start the 10th period, the coordinator must inform SIGA about the migration of this workload. To help with this process, you can send an email to the extension director informing them that you need to migrate this workload.
- You will only receive Extension hours if you participate as executing member of the action of interest to you;
- Extension Courses in which you are an auditor not give the right to extension hours;
-Always at the end of the action, the coordinator should launch in the SIGA your grade and the workload corresponding to the time required to complete the action. I would like to emphasize that only the COORDINATOR of the extension action is that you can launch the grade and workload in the SIGA.
- Extension hours will only be counted via SIGA; actions that are not registered in SIGA will not be counted towards extension hours, regardless of whether or not there is a certificate for the action.
Tutorial link for registration in extension actions at SIGA