The Faculty of Physiotherapy (FFISIO) of UFRJ started on November 12, 2020, after approval by the University Council (CONSUNI), being appointed in December 2020, as General Director and his Eventual Substitute pro tempore, Professors Clynton Correa and Jocelene de Fátima Landgraf, who served in this role for a period of 8 months. On August 19, 2021, Professors Fernando Eduardo Zikan and Jaqueline Almeida Pereira were appointed as Director and Temporary Substitute, respectively (2021 to 2025). It is worth mentioning that the Physiotherapy Course was created in 1994, within the Faculty of Medicine Unit of UFRJ, where it was located until 2020.
Our current structure is composed of the General Management, Deputy Managements (Undergraduate – DAGRA; Postgraduate – DAPG; Extension – DAEX and Administration – DAADM) and two departments (Department of Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy - DFCME and Department of Neurofunctional and Maternal and Child Physiotherapy - DFNMI). Student representation is carried out by the Academic Center of Physiotherapy - CA Fisio 13 de outubro, in the internal collegiate bodies of the Faculty.
Teaching activities, whether teaching, research, extension and administrative management, are carried out within the scope of the Health Sciences Center (CCS/UFRJ), in different territories, namely: HClementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (HUCFF); Deolindo Couto Neurology Institute (INDC); Martagão Gesteira Institute of Childcare and Pediatrics (IPPMG); Maternity School (ME); São Francisco de Assis Teaching Hospital (HESFA), in addition to the entire network of support agreements for internships.
The UFRJ Physiotherapy School, having its first Public Physiotherapy course in the State of Rio de Janeiro, fulfills the role of training new professionals attentive to ethical and scientific precepts, ensuring excellent health care and contributing to the access of qualified professionals to various health services, thus offering multiple, diverse and equitable training.