General guidelines are provided below. Please consult this text before contacting the Undergraduate Academic Coordination with any questions.
See also:
- Academic Calendar: here
- Polytechnic School Student Handbook: here.
- Pedagogical project of the Mechanical Engineering course: here.
- Information about academic exchange: here
- SIGA criteria: here
- Expected dates for Graduation Ceremony: here.
- Message to Graduates of Mechanical Engineering DEM/PEM: here
1.1. Coordination matters must be handled in the coordination room G-202. Questions can be answered by email or with the secretary of the Mechanics Department (G-202). To speak with the coordinator, you must schedule an appointment at the Mechanics Department office.
1.2. Documents that require signature can be left at any time at the Mechanical Department office (G-202), and I will sign them as soon as I can. There is no need to make an appointment.
2. Enrollment in courses
2.1. Read the registration manual - FOLLOW:
2.1 Questions about the SIGA system should be addressed to the DRE (Student Registration Division, located in the CCMN building - in front of block A), to the secretary of Mechanics G-202, or to the academic secretary of POLI.
2.2. Periodization. Check your period in SIGA, it is important as a priority criterion when registering for courses. The student is only re-periodized once, if he/she has come from a transfer or returned from an exchange program. The student must fill out the periodization form, which can be found at and leave it at the Mechanics office.
2.3. Lack of places. Unfortunately, there are many classes at the Polytechnic School that are full. The Mechanical Engineering Department and the Board of Directors of the Polytechnic School are doing everything they can to increase the number of places available in the classes. The board of directors is negotiating an increase in places with other institutes (mathematics, physics, etc.), and the board is negotiating an increase in places in the EEK classes.
2.4. The coordination policy is not to open a vacancy for this or that student. The pre-defined criteria in Siga are respected. The limit of vacancies in the rooms is also respected.
2.5. Pay attention to your CRID (Confirmation of Registration of Enrollment in Subjects). Students with irregular enrollment in a subject will not have their Final Grade recorded in the system. Save the PDF of your CRID to have this record.
2.6. More than 32 credits. It is not possible to take more than 32 credits, unless the student is graduating (last term). In this case, the student must pay attention to the information so that the situation can be regularized in the middle of the term.
2.7. Less than 6 credits. It is not possible to take less than 6 credits, unless the student is graduating (last term). In this case, the student must pay attention to the information so that the situation can be regularized in the middle of the term.
2.8. More than 1/3 outside the course. It is not possible to take more than 1/3 of the subjects outside the Mechanical Engineering course, unless the student intends to change courses. In this case, the student must open a process at the CT protocol (block A, 1st floor), and authorization will be given for one semester only.
2.9. It is not permitted to take courses with overlapping schedules.
2.10. Students are not allowed to take courses if they have not completed their prerequisites. Exceptions may be made if the student is a graduate.
2.11. Courses with code COM are postgraduate courses. Check with the professor responsible for the course to see if it is worth enrolling in.
3. ACE - Special Complementary Activities
3.1 Check list of ACEs activities in In this same link, you will find the forms corresponding to each activity. To validate an ACE, you must fill out the appropriate form and leave it at G-202, along with proof that the activity was developed.
4. Exchange
4.1. Students must regularize their exchange program with the Assistant Directorate of International Relations (DARI). Students who travel without regularizing their situation may have their enrollment canceled.
4.2. Students who go on an exchange program will almost certainly delay their graduation date. Even so, all students report that the experience was worthwhile. Take interesting courses with renowned professors from foreign universities. Take advantage of the best the university has to offer.
4.3. There is no equivalence of disciplines a priori. This is because plans are always changing, and there would be double work.
4.4. For equivalences to be accepted, the rule is that at least 75% of the syllabus and at least 75% of the workload must be included. There is no flexibility regarding the workload. For equivalence of elective subjects, there is some flexibility regarding the syllabus. For equivalence of mandatory subjects, there is rigor.
4.5. It is possible to combine blocks of courses for equivalence. For example, two 30-hour courses taken at a foreign university may be equivalent to one 60-hour course at UFRJ.
4.6. To validate internship, check specific rules at: out_by_students_of_Polytechnic_School_in_Exterior.pdf
4.7. Exchange with double degree. Check resolution:
4.8. The student must open a process for exemption from discipline in the CT protocol (block A, 1st floor). If the student has already opened an exemption process, he will have to unarchive it. Read more resolutions at
5. Internship
5.1. Check rules in
5.2. The coordinator is responsible for signing only the internship plan. The internship contract (commitment agreement) must be signed by the Polytechnic School. You can leave the plan at any time at the Mechanical Engineering office (G-202), and I will sign it as soon as I can. There is no need to schedule an appointment.
5.3. It is not possible to validate an internship retroactively. Therefore, regularize your situation before starting your internship.
5.4. Mandatory Internship: the student must enroll in the subject EEW X00 - Graduation Project, and the internship activities must be directly related to Mechanical Engineering.
5.5. Internal Internship: the student may do an internship in any laboratory of the Polytechnic School/COPPE, under the guidance of a responsible professor. The procedures are the same as for an internship carried out in a company.
5.6. Internship Abroad: check specific rules at: out_by_students_of_Polytechnic_School_in_Exterior.pdf
6. Graduation Project
6.1. The Standard for the Graduation Project, or Final Project, can be found at:
6.2. The calendar can be consulted at
6.3. Be careful with the deadline. One week in advance you must leave a copy of your Final Project at the Mechanical Engineering office, along with the advertising sheet.
6.4. Do not leave defending your Graduation project until the last few weeks, as you will have difficulty forming a panel of professors.
7. Commissions7.1
COAA - Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee: this committee evaluates enrollment (un)locking and enrollment (un)cancellation processes, and guides students who are in a complicated academic situation.
7.2. Final Project Committee: this committee is responsible for the rules regarding the Graduation Project or Final Project.
7.3. Course Structuring Core: this committee is responsible for reflecting on and proposing changes related to the structure of the Mechanical Engineering course.
7.4. Undergraduate Committee: this committee is responsible for deliberating on any situation not covered by the course rules.
Note: Click
here to know the composition of these committees.
8. Academic Guidance
8.1. Every student is assigned an academic advisor. Please contact him/her for academic guidance regarding course registration, internships, etc.
8.2. Check who your academic advisor is in your CRID (Confirmation of Registration for Courses).
8.3. Keep track of your BOA (Academic Orientation Bulletin). It contains the group of mandatory subjects that you must take; the group of electives (or conditional choice) from which you must take a certain number of credits; the group of humanities; and the group of free electives, the number of credits that must be taken with a subject that is not on your BOA. To graduate as an Engineer, your BOA must be 'zero'.
8.4. If you repeat a subject many times, or have a very low GPA, seek guidance from your academic advisor.
8.5. If you repeat a subject many times, or have a very low GPA, seek guidance from your academic advisor.
8.6. See resolution CEG 10/2004: It determines conditions for cancellation of enrollment (retirement) due to insufficient academic performance.
9. Student Representation
9.1. Elections for student representation are held once every one (two) years.
9.2. Student representatives at COAA
Lucas Barros Gonçalves (holder)
Iago Bastos Dalfior dos Santos (alternate)
9.3. Student representatives on the Mechanical Engineering Board
Gabriel Sobral Wernek (holder)
Eduardo Leal Ferraz Pereira (alternate)
10. Processes
10.1. All processes (Discipline Exemption, Grade Approval, Exclusion of Failure, etc.) must be opened in the CT protocol (block A, 1st floor). The documentation required to open the process must be verified in block A itself.
Secretary: Opening Hours
2a to 6a fairs - from 10:30 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:30 pm to 17:00 pm.