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Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee (COAA): this committee evaluates enrollment (un)locking and enrollment (un)cancellation processes, and provides guidance to students who are in a complicated academic situation.
Final Project Committee: this committee is responsible for the rules regarding the Graduation Project or Final Project.
Course Structuring Nucleus (NDE): this committee is responsible for reflecting on and proposing changes related to the structure of the Mechanical Engineering course.
The Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee is composed of the following professors and student representatives:
- Gabriel Lisboa Veríssimo - President
- Fabio da Costa Figueiredo
- Carolina Palma Naveira Cotta
- Nisio de Carvalho Wolf Brum
- Daniel Alves Castello
- Juliana Calazans de Cerqueira - Student Representative (update)
- Felipe Santana Vieira- Student Representative (update)
The Structuring Teaching Nucleus is composed of the following teachers:
- Antonio MacDowell de Figueiredo
- Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto
- Flavio de Marco Filho
- Gustavo Cesar Rachid Bodstein
- Nisio de Carvalho Wolf Brum
- Vitor Ferreira Romano - PRESIDENT
Mechanical Internship Committee:
- President -
- Gabriel Lisbon Verissimo -
- Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto -
Final Course Project Committee:
- President -
- Gabriel Lisbon Verissimo -
- Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto -