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The result of the 2014 selection of candidates for the PRH-ANP-MCT undergraduate scholarship No. 37
Result of the selection process.
1. Pedro Gruzman Gabriel
2. Jorge Junio Moreira Antunes
3. Rafaell de Oliveira Pinto Caldas
4. Thiago Vinicius Lopes de Lucena
5. Laura Maximiano Faria
6. Gabriel Rocha de Farias
7. Lucas Amorim P. Gomes
8. Joseph Benjamin Moraes Ferreira Junior
The first five selected candidates will be contacted shortly. If there are any withdrawals or new scholarships, the remaining candidates will be informed.
DEADLINE FOR DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS FOR SELECTION OF ANP-PRH-14 - "Mechanical Engineering for the Efficient Use of Biofuels" HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 03/2014/37.
More information about the Program can be accessed HERE.
Read more: Undergraduate Scholarships - 2014/1 PRH37/ANP
1) Objectives
The PRH-37, "Mechanical Engineering for the Efficient Use of Biofuels", aims to provide students with a set of fundamental knowledge necessary for the training of mechanical engineers who wish to act as specialists in equipment and systems for the transportation, storage and use of biofuels. Essentially, the graduated students will develop capabilities to work in the following research areas focused on the efficient use of biofuels:
§Analysis and design of storage and transportation systems; §Analysis of performance and durability of thermal machines; §Analysis of emission and dispersion of pollutants;
§Optimization of power cogeneration systems; §Computer modeling and simulation.
The student participating in PRH-37 will have to:
(a) Choose a research area from the 05 (five) mentioned above.
(b) Submit a Research Work Plan within 06 (six) months of the start of your scholarship.
(c) Take 06 (six) mandatory subjects of the course.
(d) Carry out an individual Final Course Project on a topic compatible with the area
(e) Undertake a Supervised Internship in a company in the Oil, Natural Gas and
Biofuels or in an area compatible with the subject of their Final Project. Internship activities of scholarship holders must be approved by the Program Management Committee. In addition, internship activities must comply with the internship standards set forth by the Polytechnic School.
(f) Prepare a half-yearly report on its activities.
(g) Inform the Program about your professional performance up to 03 (three) years after
(h) Prepare a report within 90 (ninety) days after the end of your course.
(i) Prepare an annual report at 12 (twelve), 24 (twenty-four) and 36 (thirty-six)
months after the end of your scholarship, describing the suitability of the course for your professional activities. Failure to comply with this item will prevent the student from receiving any other scholarships or financial aid from PRH-ANP and partner funding agencies.
(j) Participate in annual evaluation meetings.
2) Student eligibility
Undergraduate students from the fifth semester onwards (with all basic course subjects already completed), with active enrollment, in the Mechanical Engineering Course at the Polytechnic School of UFRJ, with an accumulated performance coefficient equal to or greater than six (CRA 6,0) at the end of the second academic semester of 2013 may apply to the Program.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
§Dedicate yourself fully to the course. If you have an employment relationship, be
released from professional activities and without any remuneration or earnings; §Not receiving a grant or any financial assistance from another agency
promotion, national or international;
§Submit to the other rules of the Polytechnic School of UFRJ.
3) Scholarship value and expected start date
Value: R$ 600,00 per month. Expected start date: First semester of 2014.
4) Period of validity of the scholarship
The maximum duration of the Undergraduate Scholarship will be up to 24 months. However, the student may stop receiving the Scholarship if he/she fails to comply, at the discretion of the Management Committee, with the procedures dictated by the PRH-ANP Agreement.
The student may automatically lose the scholarship if he fails two or more subjects.
5) Required documents
Candidates must submit one copy of the following documentation:
Curriculum Vitae, according to the CNPq Lattes standard (;
Application Form available at LMT (Room I-136);
Copy of the School Report up to 2013/2 (the unofficial copy available at the
Proof (if any) of Scientific Initiation activities through
statement from the supervisor indicating duration and topics covered;
Proof (if any) of internship activities, indicating company, period and
area of activity;
Copy (if any) of published works (Articles in journals, Papers)
presented at conferences, Abstracts at scientific initiation conferences, etc.).
a. All information presented must be supported by relevant documentation. Unsupported information will not be taken into account in the evaluation of the
6) Table of available scholarships
Initially, 05 (five) undergraduate scholarships will be made available.
The main criterion for allocating students to the emphasis is their overall position in the selection process (involving all candidates). The selection will be made by the PRH37 Management Committee based on the documentation presented in item 5 and will be published at the address
7) Submission of documentation (no later than March 10, 2014) Location: Mechanical Engineering Program
Technology Center, Block I - Room 136 (Thermal Machines Laboratory) Deliver the documentation in a sealed envelope, to the attention of the PRH-37 Management Committee
8) Additional information
More information about the Program can be accessed at
Any cases not covered by this Notice will be resolved by the PRH-37 Management Committee. The final result will be announced by March 17, 2014.