O GEDOPA is a scientific institution with a social function, with an informal base, which relies on the voluntary participation of researchers, undergraduate and graduate professors, and undergraduate (scientific initiation) students, graduate students and residents, in the different academic areas. In order to fulfill its mission, GEDOPA adopts the following guidelines for the full exercise of its activities: Prioritize the scientific study and discussion on advances in knowledge about Parkinson's disease, promote and carry out projects under the coordination of one of its members, designated by the Group Coordination, on rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease; value interdisciplinary work in GEDOPA's actions, stimulating innovative initiative, creativity and the exchange of experiences, in teaching, research and extension.
Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Clynton Lourenço Correa and Prof. Vera Britto
Location: Physiotherapy Service of the Deolindo Couto Neurology Institute, Praia Vermelha Campus