Accessibility Tools
Custom code | Name of the Discipline | Menus | Credits | Workload |
BMW013 | Biological Bases Physiotherapy | Introduction to genetics; morphological, physiological and functional bases of the cell. Reproductive systems; embryological development; histophysiology in embryology, in epithelial, connective, bone, cartilage, adipose, muscular, lymphoid and blood tissues; anatomical conceptualization, general organization of the human body. | 21,0 | 360 |
BQM147 | Biochemistry Ft | Basic principles of thermodynamics. Maintenance of the vital state of living beings. Human metabolism. Analysis of the dynamics of human energy metabolism in different physiological situations. Pathological states: metabolic dysfunctions and trauma. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- LEHNINGER, ALBERT, L. Principles of Biochemistry. Savier Publisher, São Paulo. 2- STRYER. Biochemistry. Guanabara Koogan Publisher, Rio de Janeiro. 3- MURRAY, ROBERT K. Harper: Biochemistry. São Paulo: Atheneu, 1994. 4- CARVALHO-ALVES E DA POIAN. Hormones and Metabolism: Integration and Clinical Correlations. 1st ed. Atheneu Publisher. Rio de Janeiro, 2005. | 5,0 | 100 |
FSC122 | History of Fundam Physiotherapy | History of Physiotherapy in the World. History of Physiotherapy in Brazil. Professional Bodies. Legislation Regulating the Profession. Current Professional Context. Fields and Areas of Activity. ___ BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY ___ 1- REBELATTO, JR AND BOTOMÉ. Physiotherapy in Brazil. Ed. Manole. 2- CARVALHO, V., CP AND COLS. Fundamentals of Therapeutic Exercise. Ed. Medbook. 3- PROFESSIONAL LEGISLATION, COFFITO/CREFITO. 4- KISNER, C.; COLBY, LA Therapeutic Exercises: Fundamentals and Techniques. São Paulo: Manole. | 2,0 | 30 |
FSCZ52 | Curricular Extension Activity - FTP | Work in extension activities registered with the Office of the Vice-Rector for Extension at UFRJ, such as programs, projects, extension courses and events, coordinated by permanent faculty members or technicians in the higher education career at UFRJ. For events, work must be in the organization or execution of the event. For courses, work must be in the organization or teaching classes. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___Bibliography recommended by the Coordinator of the activity. | 0,0 | 516 |