Accessibility Tools
Custom code | Name of the Discipline | Menus | Credits | Workload | Requirements |
BMW023 | Neurolocomotor System | Introduction to Genetics; Inheritance Patterns; Basics of Molecular Genetics; Introduction to Population Genetics human; genetic mechanisms of genetic, chromosomal, multifactorial and complex diseases, applied to the Neurolocomotor System (Physiotherapy) | 10.0 | 240 | BMW013 (P) BMW013 = BMW110 BMW013 = BMW238 |
CFB110 | Physics and Biophysics Fund | Application of mechanics concepts to problems involving force components in muscle-bone systems, in static and motion regimes. Concept of ionic hydrogen potential (pH) and its importance in buffering biological systems. Biological membranes and transport of substances; membrane potential and action potential in muscle cells. Basic concepts of electricity (with practical activities of electrical measurements); bioelectrogenesis and electrotherapy. Study of electromagnetic radiation (shortwaves, microwaves, laser, infrared and ultraviolet) and ultrasound used therapeutically in physiotherapy. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- SCHAUM MH, GUSSOW, M. Basic Electricity. Makron Books do Brasil Editora Ltda. 2- HALL, S. Basic Biomechanics. Guanabara Koogan. 3- ARAÚJO, L. Clinical Physiatry: Physical, Physiological and Therapeutic Bases. Atheneu Bookstore. 4- GUTMANN, ZA Current Physiotherapy. Editorial Pancast. 5- ZAMUDIO, AT Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2nd Edition, The University Society Mexicana, SA 6- CLAYTON'S, SCOTT, PM Electrotherapy and Actinotherapy. Editorial JIMS. 7- HENEINE, IF Basic Biophysics - Atheneu Publisher. | 3.0 | 70 | |
EFF120 | Kinesiology Ft | Concept of Kinesiology and Biomechanics; qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques for studying human movement; muscle biomechanics - types of contraction and length x tension curve; concept of force and lever vectors; concept of torque and moment of force; planes and axes of movement; kinesiology of the shoulder girdle; kinesiology of the elbow; kinesiology of the wrist and hand; kinesiology of the hip; kinesiology of the knee; kinesiology of the ankle and foot; and kinesiology of the spine. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- KAPANDJI, AI Joint Physiology (vol. 1, 2 and 3), 6th ed, 2007. Editora Guanabara Koogan. 2 - SMITH, L. Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, 5th ed, 1997. Editora Manole. 3- WIRHED, R. Atlas of Anatomy of Movement, 1986. Editora Manole. 4- WIRHED, R. Athletic Capacity and Anatomy of Movement, 2nd ed, 2002. Editora Manole. 5- HALL, S. Basic Biomechanics, 5th ed, 2009. Editora Guanabara Koogan. 6- HAMILL, J.; KNUTZEN, KM Biomechanical Bases of Human Movement 3rd ed, 2012. Editora Manole. 7- ZATSIORSKY, VM Biomechanics in Sports, 1st ed, 2004. Editora Guanabara Koogan. 8- HOFFMAN, SJ and HARRIS, JC Kinesiology - The Study of Physical Activity, 2002. Artmed Editora. 9- NEUMANN, D. A. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System, 2006. Guanabara Koogan Publishing House. 10- RASCH, P. J. Kinesiology and Applied Anatomy, 7th ed, 1991. Guanabara Koogan Publishing House. 11- SACCO, ICN, TANAKA, C. Kinesiology and Biomechanics of Joint Complexes, 2008. Guanabara Koogan Publishing House. 12- LIPPERT, L. S. Clinical and Anatomical Kinesiology, 4th ed, 2008. Guanabara Koogan Publishing House. | 3.0 | 70 | BMW013 (P) BMW013= BMW238 |
FML243 | Attention Pes C Defic in Socied | Analysis of rehabilitation services for people with disabilities (PWDs) in Brazil. Discuss advances and setbacks in relation to PWD from legal, philosophical, historical, sociological and political aspects. Investigate how the inclusive movement of people with disabilities has been occurring. Characterization of PWD: history, types of disability, causes of disabilities, definitions. The barriers that hinder or even prevent PWD from coming and going in different social spaces. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- ADORNO, T. W. Cultural industry and society. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002. 2- AMARAL, LÍGIA A. Thinking about difference/disability NATIONAL COORDINATION FOR INTEGRATION OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (CORDE). Brasília. BRAZIL, 1994. 3- ARENDT, H. The human condition. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 1993. 4- AXLINE, VM Dibs: in search of oneself. São Paulo: Círculo do Livros, 1973. 5- BRAZIL. FEDERAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. Resolution no. 03/87. BRAZIL. FEDERAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. Opinion no. 03/87. BRAZIL. FEDERAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. Decree Law no. 6.251/75. BRAZIL. 6- BRAZIL. SECRETARIAT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. Trends and challenges in special education. SEESP/MEC. BRAZIL Brasília, 1994. 7- BRAZIL. MTE, SIT. The inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market. Brasília, 2007. 8- CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. Brazilian legislation on people with disabilities. Brasília: Publications Coordination, 2004. 9- BRAZILIAN CONSTITUTION. Brasília, October 5, 1988. 10 - DINIZ, D. What is disability. São Paulo: Brasiliense (First Steps Collection), 2007. 11- HELLER, A. Everyday life and history. São Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra, 2000. 12- HESSEL, S. Be indignant. Portugal: Objectiva, 2011. 13- JUDT, T. Evil stalks the earth. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Objetiva, 2011. 14 - JR., R. L. The long road back. Rio de Janeiro: Litteris Editora Ltda, 1992. 15- MEDINA, JPS Physical education takes care of the body and... ?mind?: bases for the renewal and transformation of physical education. Campinas/SP: Papirus, 1990. 16- PAIVA, MR Happy Old Year. São Paulo: Círculo do Livro, 1980. 17- RIBAS, JBC What are disabled people. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1983. 18- RIBAS, JBC Prejudice against people with disabilities: the relationships we have with the world. Collection: Prejudices. São Paulo: Ed. Cortez, 2007. 19- SANTOS, MP dos; PEREIRA, M.; MELO, SC de; Inclusion in education: different interfaces. Curitiba/PR: Ed. CRV, 2009. 20- SASSAKI, RK Inclusion: building a society for all. Rio de Janeiro: WVA, 1997. 21- SECRETARY OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. National Policy for Special Education- Ordinance no. 1793/94 SEESP/MEC. BRAZIL. Brasília, 1994. 22- TEZZA, C. The eternal son. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Record, 2007. 23- VASH, CL Facing disability: manifestation, psychology, rehabilitation. São Paulo: University of São Paulo Press, 1988. | 2.0 | 45 | |
FSCX05 | Complementary Activities | 1.0 | 45 | ||
ISC127 | Scientific Methodology | Science and the scientific method; characteristics, history, contextualization and problematization. History of science. The myth of scientific neutrality. Objectivity, subjectivity and the question of truth. Science and society. Scientific production in the field of health. The importance of research in Physiotherapy. The research project: structure and standards. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- CIRIBELLI, Marilda Corrêa. Research project: a tool for scientific research. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2000. 2- CANGUILHEM, Georges. The normal and the pathological. 6th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 2006. 3- GIL, Antônio Carlos. How to prepare research projects. 4th ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002. 4- LAKATOS, Eva Maria; MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Scientific Methodology. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1991. 5- LAKATOS, Eva Maria; MARCONI, Marina de Andrade. Methodology of Scientific Work: basic procedures, bibliographic research, project and report, publications and scientific works. 4th ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1992. 6- MARTINS, André. New paradigms and health. Physis: journal of collective health, v.9, n.1, 1999. | 3.0 | 45 | |
ISC128 | Health Information | Introduction to technical-scientific information in Health. Analysis and interpretation of information. Primary and secondary data. Health Information Systems; Bioethics and Information: Ethics in Information; Ethics in Research. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- GUILLEN, T. Analysis of quantitative data. Handbook, 2011. 2- VIEIRA, S. How to prepare questionnaires. São Paulo, Atlas, 2009. | 2.0 | 45 |