Accessibility Tools
Custom code | Name of the Discipline | Menus | Credits | Workload | Requirements |
BMW238 | Biological Bases of Systems | Embryology: Reproductive systems Histology: Histophysiology and morphofunctional organization of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary and endocrine systems. Anatomy: General organization of organic systems and the human body. Physiology Cardiovascular System: Morphological and functional organization of the cardiovascular system. The heart and vessels: principles of their functioning and regulation. Integrated regulation of circulation. Homeostatic role of circulation. Physiology Respiratory System: Morphological and functional organization of the respiratory system. Airways and lungs: principles of their functioning. Regulation of pulmonary ventilation. Homeostatic role of respiration. Physiology Urinary System: Morphological and functional organization of the kidney, renal hemodynamics, glomerular filtration, transport of water and solutes along the nephron, regulation of volume and tonicity of the external environment, renal regulation of the pH of the external environment. Physiology Digestive System: Salivary secretion. Chewing. Swallowing. Esophageal transit. Gastric filling. Gastric emptying. Gastric secretion. Small intestine. Pancreatic secretion. Bile secretion. Intestinal secretions. Small intestine motility. Digestion and absorption of the main dietary constituents - amino acids and peptides, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, water and ions. Large intestine motility. Endocrine System Physiology: Endocrine system and its components; hormonal signaling and mechanisms of interaction with target cells. Neurohormones: hypothalamus and adrenal medulla. Hormonal regulation mechanisms and pituitary trophins. Thyroid hormones. Endocrine regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Endocrine regulation of intermediary metabolism: pancreatic hormones, glucocorticoids, adrenaline. Reproductive physiology: testicular function, ovarian function, endocrine aspects of pregnancy. Endocrine regulation of growth and development. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- AIRES, Margarida de Mello. Physiology 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2012. 2- GUYTON, A.C., HALL, J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 1997. 3- BERNE, Robert M. & LEVY, Matthew N. Physiology. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2000. 4- C. SHAUF ET AL. Physiology. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara Koogan, 1993. | 14.0 | 240 | BMW023 (P) |
FSC232 | Therapeutic Exercise Fundam | Definition and general objectives of therapeutic exercises; Physiological approach to body systems and correlation with therapeutic exercise; Physiological deficiencies in muscle performance, resistance, mobility, balance, posture, bases and principles of passive mobilization techniques, active exercises, cardiorespiratory exercises, neuromuscular exercises and stretching. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- Therapeutic Exercises-Fundamentals and techniques. Carolyn Kisner, 5th ed. 2007. Publisher: Manole. 2- Therapeutic Exercise in the Search for Function. Carrie Hall and Lori Brody, 2nd ed. 2007. Guanabara Koogan Editora. 3- Functional Muscular Anatomy. Lobo da Costa PH and Serrão, FV Editora Manole. 4- Joint Movement? Morphological and Functional Aspects. 3 volumes. Editora Manole. 5- Techniques in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation? Prentice William E.; Voight. Michel L. 2003. Editora Artmed. |
2.0 | 60 | BMW023 (P), EFF120 (P) |
FSC238 | Physiotherapeutic Semiology | Methods and technical foundations of physiotherapy assessment and semiology. Anamnesis (subjective and clinical history). Objectives of physiotherapy assessment. Concept of reassessment, physiotherapy diagnosis, prognosis and discharge. General physical examination: assessment of joint function and muscle function. Assessment of posture. Analysis of normal gait. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___1- PALMER, MJ Fundamental bases of musculoskeletal system assessment techniques. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. 2- KENDALL, FP Muscles: tests and functions with posture and pain. 4th ed. São Paulo: Manole. 3- MAGEE, D. Musculoskeletal assessment. 3rd ed. São Paulo: Manole. 4- DANIELS, L. WORTHINGHAN, C. Muscle Function Tests. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan. 5- O'SULIVAN, SB Physiotherapy: treatment, procedures and evaluation. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Manole. |
4.0 | 75 | BMW023 (P), EFF120 (P) |
FSCX01 | Scientific Initiation I - F | Scientific initiation activity developed in a research project, where the student participates in all stages of the execution of research in the health area (including the presentation and writing of its final results), as well as developing a critical view of scientific articles. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ Bibliography recommended by the advisor. | 0.0 | 40 | |
ISC235 | Biostatistics Ft | Data representation, measures of central tendency and dispersion; random variables; probability, statistical independence; expected value, frequency representation; probability distribution; correlation; hypothesis testing; confidence intervals. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- Introductory Biological Statistics. RE Hampton & JE Havel. Waveland Pr Inc; 2nd edition. 2005. 2- An Introduction to Biostatistics T. Glover & K. Mitchell; Waveland press; 2nd edition. 2008. 3- Biostatistics ? The Bare Essentials. G. Norman & D. Streiner; ed. Decker; 2nd ed. Ed. Decker. 4- Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in Health Science. CL Cross and WW Daniel. 10th ed. 2013. | 2.0 | 45 |