Accessibility Tools
Custom code | Name of the Discipline | Menus | Credits | Workload | Requirements |
BMW355 | Pharmacology F | Introduction to Pharmacology. Study of pharmacokinetic processes and pharmacodynamics. Physiological characteristics of the autonomic nervous system and pharmacology of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Pharmacology of the musculoskeletal system. Pathophysiology and pharmacology of pain and inflammation. Notions of respiratory, cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric pharmacology. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- KATZUNG, B. Pharmacology: Basic and Clinical. Ed. Mc-Graw Hill, 12th ed. Rio de Janeiro, 2012. 2- RANG et al. Pharmacology, 7th ed. Ed. Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, 2012. 3- BRUNTON et al. Goodman & Gilman. The Pharmacological Bases of Therapeutics, Ed. Mc-Graw Hill 12th ed., Rio de Janeiro, 2012. 4- KESTER et al. Pharmacology. Ed. Elsevier, Rio de Janeiro, 2008. | 3.0 | 60 | BMW238 (P), BQM147 (P), FMP122 (C) |
FML245 | General Psychology | Psyche and Behavior. The structuring of psychic life. Psychic phenomena and mechanisms. Personality: structuring and development. Body Image. Psychopathology. Psychological aspects of illness. The therapist-patient relationship. Psychocorporal understanding of human development. Health professionals in the policy of humanizing care. Humanization of care. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- BOADELLA, David. Currents of life: an introduction to Biosynthesis. São Paulo. Sumus, 1992. 2- BRAZIL. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. HUMANIZASUS. Base Document for Managers and Workers of the SUS. Brasília, DF, 2008, pp 17-27. Available at: 3- BRENNER, Charles. Basic Notions of Psychoanalysis. Rio de Janeiro. Publisher Imago, 1975. 4- LE BOULCH, Jean. Psychomotor development: from birth to 6 years. Porto Alegre. Medical Arts, 1992. 5- MONTAGU, Ashley. Touch: the human meaning of the skin. São Paulo: Summmus, 1988. chaps 5 and 9. 6- MOTA, Roberta Araújo; MARTINS, Cileide Guedes de Melo; VERAS, Renata Meira. Role of health professionals in hospital humanization policy. Psychol. stud., Maringá, v. 11, n. 2, Aug. 2006 . Available at: . Accessed on Feb. 02, 2012. 7- NOVAES, Maria Helena. Psychology Applied to Rehabilitation. Rio de Janeiro, Publisher Imago, 1976. 8- SCHILDER, Paul. Body Image. São Paulo. Martins Fontes, 1999. | 3.0 | 65 | |
FMP122 | Pathology General Processes Ft | Introduction to Pathology. Concepts of health and disease. Cell adaptation, injury and death. Types of aggressors. Acute and chronic inflammation. Repair. Circulatory changes and hemodynamic disorders. Neoplasms: Emphasis with examples on prevalent diseases in the field of physical therapy. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- BRASILEIRO F., BOGLIOLO G. General Pathology. 5th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2013. 2- BRASILEIRO FILHO, BOGLIOLO G. Pathology. 8th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2011. 3- CAMARGO, JLV DE & OLIVEIRA, DE General Pathology. Multidisciplinary Approach. 1st ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2007. 4- FARIA, JL General Pathology. Fundamentals of Disease with Clinical Applications. 4th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2003. 5- KUMAR, V.; ABBAS, A.; FAUSTO, N. & ASTER, J., ROBBINS & COTRAN. Pathologic Basis of Disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia; Saunders/Elsevier, 2010. 6- KUMAR, V.; ABBAS, A. & ASTER, J.,ROBBINS. Basic Pathology. 9th ed. Philadelphia; Saunders/Elsevier, 2013. | 2.0 | 40 | BMW238 (P), BMW355 (C) |
FSC237 | Biotherapeutic Agents | Electrotherapy, thermotherapy and phototherapy. Study of the physical principles, application methods, physiological and therapeutic effects of the interaction of equipment with tissues. Electrotherapy: Understanding the history of electrotherapy, analysis of low, medium and high frequency electric currents. Study of the physical characteristics of currents; forms of application; physiological and therapeutic effects; indications and contraindications. Thermotherapy: Description of hyperthermotherapy (superficial and deep heat) and hypothermotherapy (cryotherapy). Study of the types of heat transfer; physiotherapeutic resources used for superficial heat, deep heat and cryotherapy; forms of application; physiological and therapeutic effects; indications and contraindications. Phototherapy: Investigation of the principles of radiation and wave propagation; forms of application of phototherapy; physiological and therapeutic effects; indications and contraindications. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1 - CAMERON, MH, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice. 3rd ed. Elsevier,2009. 2 - ROBERTSON, V., WARD, A., LOW, J., REED, A., Electrotherapy explained-principles and practice. 4th ed. Elsevier, 2009. 3 - WATSON, T., Practical Evidence-Based Electrotherapy. 12th ed. Elsevier,2009. 4 - BÉLANGER, A., Therapeutic Electrophysical agents-evidence behind practice. 2nd ed., 2010. 5 - PRENTICE, W., Therapeutic Modalities for Physiotherapists. 2nd ed. Artmed, 2004. 6 - GUIRRO, E., GUIRRO, R Dermato-Functional Physiotherapy. 3rd ed. Manole, 2004. 7 - WELSON, RM, HAGES, KW, CURRIER, DP, 3rd ed. Manole, 2004. |
2.0 | 60 | CFB110 (P) CFB110 = BMB110 |
FSC240 | Manual Therapy | Definition of accessory mobility. Arthro and osteokinematics. Joint movement patterns. Definition of end feel. Palpatory evaluation techniques; Structural joint techniques (Maitland, Mulligan and Osteopathy methods). Soft tissue techniques (Positional Release Therapy, Neural mobilization, Myofascial Release).___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- TERRY MANOLE. Physiotherapy in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. 3rd edition, 2000. Ed. Santos. 2- CAROLYN KISNER. Therapeutic Exercises-Fundamentals and techniques. 5th edition, 2007. Ed. Manole. 3- MARCEL BIENFAIT. Physiology of Manual Therapy, 1989. Editorial summary. 4- HOWARD MAKOFSKY. Spine - Manual therapy, 2006. LAB Editorial. 5- DAVID BYFIELD. Manual therapy - Guide to Surface Anatomy and Palpation Techniques, 2008. Phorte Editora. 6- KOSTOPOULOS, D. AND RIZOPOULOS, K. Myofascial Trigger Points, 2007. LAB Editorial. |
3.0 | 60 | BMW238 (P), FSC232 (P), FSC238 (P) FSC238 = FMK238 FSC232 = FMK232 FSC232 = FMM232 FSC238 = FMM238 |
FSC247 | Kinesiotherapeutic Methods | Stretching (static, PNF and pumping). Passive exercises. Assisted active exercises. Active exercises (core stabilization, proprioceptive exercises). Resisted active exercises (manual resistance and mechanotherapy). Neuroevolutionary exercises (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Bobath Concept). Postural exercises (Global Postural Reeducation, Pilates, Isostretching). Aquatic exercises (Hydrokinesiotherapy, Halliwick, Bad Ragaz, Watsu). Exercises for special populations (Pregnant patients, Obese patients, Elderly patients, Cardiac patients, Lung patients, Neurological patients, Athlete patients). ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- TERRY MANOLE. Physiotherapy in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. 3rd edition. 2000, Ed. Santos. 2- CAROLYN KISNER. Therapeutic Exercises-Fundamentals and techniques. 5th edition. 2007, Ed. Manole. 3- CARRIE HALL AND LORI BRODY. Therapeutic Exercise in the Search for Function. 2nd edition. 2007, Guanabara Koogan Editora. 4- GODELIEVE DENNYS-STRAUFF. Muscle and joint chains. 1995, Summus editorial. 5- MAURO VAISBERG. Exercise as therapy in medical practice. 2005, Ed. Medical Arts. 6- SKINER, A. AND DUFFIELD. Exercises in water. 1985. 3 ed., Ed. Manole. |
4.0 | 80 | BMW238 (P), FSC232 (P), FSC238 (P) FSC232 = FMK232 FSC238 = FMK238 FSC238 = FMM238 FSC232 = FMM232 |
FSCX02 | Scientific Initiation II - F | Scientific initiation activity developed in a research project, where the student participates in all stages of the execution of research in the health area (including the presentation and writing of their final results), as well as developing a critical view of scientific articles.___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ Bibliography recommended by the advisor. |
0.0 | 40 | |
ISC249 | Collective Health | Concepts of epidemiology. Health indicators (person, place and time). Standardization of rates. Epidemiological surveillance systems. Diagnostic tests. Cross-sectional studies. Case-control studies. Prospective studies. Experimental studies; causality. Evidence-based medicine. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- PÉREZ MA Introduction to epidemiology. Didactic Text. Department of Preventive Medicine of the FM of UFRJ, 1997. 2- Complementary bibliography contained in the Cives homepage. | 4.0 | 75 |