Accessibility Tools
Custom code | Name of the Discipline | Menus | Credits | Workload | Requirements |
FML246 | Professional Ethics and Citizenship | Ethics/morals and citizenship. Notions of nature, culture, conceptions and ethnocentrism. Indigenous societies, cultural and linguistic diversity. Principles of ethics and citizenship in ethnic and cultural diversity. Racial diversity and social inequalities. Analysis of the code of ethics of the physiotherapist and occupational therapist. Professional relationships of the physiotherapist in their daily lives. Professional secrecy. Basis of legal physiotherapy. Rights/duties of the physiotherapist. Professional advertising. Documents in the health area. Civil, criminal and ethical liability of the physiotherapist. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- BATTISTI, M. & QUIRINO, G. Ethics of care: code of ethics of the physiotherapist and occupational therapist with commentary. MUSA Editora, 2006. 2- BOFF, L. Ethics and morals: the search for foundations. Petropolis/RJ: Vozes, 2003. 3- BOTOMÉ, SP & REBELLATO, JR Physiotherapy in Brazil - foundations for preventive action and professional perspectives. São Paulo: Manole, 1999. 4- COSTA, IF & GARRAFA, V. Bioethics in the 2000st century. Brasília: University of Brasília Press, 5. 2002- DINIZ, MH The current state of biolaw. São Paulo: Saraiva, 6. 1998- JARDILINO, JRL Ethics: subsidies for the training of professionals in the health area. São Paulo: Pancast, XNUMX. | 3.0 | 60 | FML245 (P) |
FSC358 | Physio Traumato-orthop Functional | Definition and classification of the main general trauma-orthopedic pathologies and those during sports practice. Classification of the main sports gestures of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, pelvic girdle, knee, ankle and foot joints. Postural and pathological changes of the spine. Temporomandibular joint. Injury prevention and application of physiotherapeutic resources in conservative, pre- and post-surgical, theoretical and practical treatment. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- GOLD, J. Physiotherapy in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. Editora Manole, 3rd Edition SP. 2000. 2- KISNER, C. Therapeutic Exercises: Fundamentals and Techniques. Ed. Manole, 3th edition, São Paulo, 2008. 3- KOTTKE, SL, Krusen`s. Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ed. Saunders, 3rd edition, Philadelphia, 1992. 4- ROCKWOOD, CA Fractures in Adults. Ed. Manole, 3rd edition, São Paulo, 1993. 5- ANDREWS; Harrelson; Wilk, Physical rehabilitation of sports injuries. Ed Elsevier, 3rd edition, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. 6- MAGEE, DJ Musculoskeletal Assessment, Ed. Manole. São Paulo. 7- PRENTICE, W. Rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine. Ed. Artmed,, 1st edition, Porto Alegre 2003. 8- DUTTON, Mark. Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention. Ed. Artmed, 2nd edition, Porto Alegre, 2009. 9- HERBERT, Sizínio. Orthopedics and Traumatology. Ed. Artmed, Porto Alegre, 2008. 10- HOPPENFELD & MURTHY. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fractures. Ed. Manole, 2nd edition, São Paulo, 2004. |
6.0 | 120 | FSC246 (P) FSC246 = FMK246 FSC246 = FMM246 |
FSC366 | Physiotherapy Intensive Care | History of intensive care, general characteristics and multidisciplinary team in intensive care, role of the physiotherapist in intensive care, clinical aspects of the critical patient: main diseases and clinical syndromes, acute respiratory failure, arterial blood gas analysis, oxygen therapy, artificial airway, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation, respiratory monitoring, withdrawal of mechanical ventilation, mechanical ventilation in pediatrics and neonatology, respiratory physiotherapy techniques in intensive care, mobilization of the critical patient. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- EGAN. Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy. Robert L. Wilkins; James K. Stoller; Robert M. Kacmarek. Ed Elsevier, 2009, 9th edition. 2- MACHADO, MGR Bases of Respiratory Physiotherapy: Intensive Care and Rehabilitation. Editora Guanabara Koogan, 2014. 3- SARMENTO GJV; VEJA, JM; LOPES, NS Physiotherapy in ICU. Atheneu Publishing House, 2010. |
6.0 | 120 | FSC351 (P), FSC352 (P) FSC351 = FMK351 FSC352 = FMK352 FSC351 = FMK350 FSC352 = FMK350 FSC351 = FMM350 |
FSC367 | Physio Health of Children and Adolescents | Neuromotor dysfunction and deviations in normal motor development. Orthopedic pathologies in children and adolescents. Rheumatological pathologies in children and adolescents. Childhood neuromuscular diseases. Embryopathies. Genetic syndromes. Physiotherapeutic assessment and diagnosis. Treatment, prognosis and prevention of disorders in children with congenital and/or acquired pathologies with motor and functional repercussions. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- BACH, JR Guide to Examination and Treatment of Neuromuscular Diseases. São Paulo: Santos, 2004. 2- BARBOSA, S. Respiratory Physiotherapy: Chronic Childhood Encephalopathy. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter, 2002. 3- BOBATH, K. A Neurophysiological Basis for the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy. 2nd edition. São Paulo: Manole, 1990. 4- DIAMENT, A.; CYPEL, S. Child Neurology. Vol. 1 and 2, 4th edition. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2005. 5- OLIVEIRA, SK; AZEVEDO, EC Pediatric Rheumatology. 2nd edition. Rio de Janeiro: Revinter, 2001. 6- SHEPHERD, RB Physiotherapy in Pediatrics. 3rd edition. São Paulo: Santos, 1996. 7- TECKLIN, JS Pediatric Physiotherapy. 3rd edition. Artmed, 2002. |
9.0 | 160 | FSC359 (P) FSC359 = FMK359 FSC359 = FMM359 |
FSC368 | Neurofunctional Physio II | Definition and classification of the main general trauma-orthopedic pathologies and those during sports practice. Classification of the main sports gestures of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, pelvic girdle, knee, ankle and foot joints. Postural and pathological changes of the spine. Temporomandibular joint. Injury prevention and application of physiotherapeutic resources in conservative, pre- and post-surgical, theoretical and practical treatment. ___BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY___ 1- GOLD, J. Physiotherapy in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. Editora Manole, 3rd Edition SP. 2000. 2- KISNER, C. Therapeutic Exercises: Fundamentals and Techniques. Ed. Manole, 3th edition, São Paulo, 2008. 3- KOTTKE, SL, Krusen`s. Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Ed. Saunders, 3rd edition, Philadelphia, 1992. 4- ROCKWOOD, CA Fractures in Adults. Ed. Manole, 3rd edition, São Paulo, 1993. 5- ANDREWS; Harrelson; Wilk, Physical rehabilitation of sports injuries. Ed Elsevier, 3rd edition, Rio de Janeiro, 2005. 6- MAGEE, DJ Musculoskeletal Assessment, Ed. Manole. São Paulo. 7- PRENTICE, W. Rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine. Ed. Artmed,, 1st edition, Porto Alegre 2003. 8- DUTTON, Mark. Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention. Ed. Artmed, 2nd edition, Porto Alegre, 2009. 9- HERBERT, Sizínio. Orthopedics and Traumatology. Ed. Artmed, Porto Alegre, 2008. 10- HOPPENFELD & MURTHY. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Fractures. Ed. Manole, 2nd edition, São Paulo, 2004. |
7.0 | 160 | FSC360 (P) FSC360 = FMK360 FSC360 = FMM360 |