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03 07 MECANICA Areas Compact Separator Technology LaboratoryHome: 2010


Operation: research and training of professionals in the areas of Acoustics, Vibrations and Dynamics, at undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels; extension courses, technical and metrological consultancy.

Infrastructure: acquisition, analysis and processing of acoustic and vibration signals.

Equipment: microphones, sound level meters, accelerometers, spectrum analyzers, digital oscilloscopes for educational and research purposes, oscillators, vibrating structures, ducts, acoustic chambers, rotating systems and non-linear systems.

Interaction with the productive sector: oil and gas (PETROBRAS), electrical (CEPEL, FURNAS) and aeronautical (INFRAERO) sectors.

Current research topics: environmental acoustics, airport noise, sound source modeling, duct acoustics, vibro-acoustics, vehicle acoustics, noise control, acoustic barriers, sound propagation.

Head of Laboratory: Fernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto


Secretary: Beatriz Lima Machado

Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8243 / E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 2010 - Technology Center - Block I 130 and I-230 - University City, 21941-914, RJ


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