Home: 2010
Operation: research and training of professionals in Nonlinear Mechanics, notably in the following areas: nonlinear dynamics, chaos and control; intelligent materials and structures; biomechanics and ecology.
Infrastructure: acquisition, analysis and processing of vibration signals; analysis of nonlinear systems; characterization of smart materials.
Equipment: accelerometers, digital oscilloscopes, oscillators, vibrating structures, calorimeter (NETZSCH), used to measure the temperature of phase transformations, INSTRON universal testing machine, oven for making smart actuators, 3D printer, shaking table, shaker, ARDUINO devices.
Interaction with the productive sector: oil and gas (PETROBRAS), electrical (CEPEL, FURNAS) and aeronautical (EMBRAER) sectors.
Current research topics: constitutive modeling of smart materials; nonlinear dynamics of smart systems; nonlinear dynamics of biomechanical systems; dynamics of nonsmooth systems; chaos in mechanical systems and control, including chaos control; energy harvesting; structural analysis using the finite element method.
Head of Laboratory: Marcelo Amorim Savi
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8369/8395/8372 / E-mail:
Address: 2010 - Technology Center - Block I 128D - University City, 21941-914, RJ
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