Home: 1970
Operation: research focused on the study, simulation and analysis of mechanical power generation devices in the presence of temperature differentials; teaching, research and extension activities in the areas of thermal machines and fuels and lubricants associated with these machines; determination of the ignition capacity of various fuels (ethanol gasoline, diesel oil, biodiesel, vegetable oil and mixtures of these fuels), through their octane number and cetane number, respectively.
Infrastructure: four engine test benches and a chassis dynamometer; laboratory structure recently expanded with four new benches, equipped with modern and standardized instrumentation within the Petrobras Vehicle Development Network, for carrying out fuel and lubricant tests for medium-speed engines and lubricant tests for automobile engines.
Equipment: chassis dynamometer for vehicle performance and emissions testing; variable compression ratio CFR engines; dynamometric benches for Otto and Diesel engines for performance, emissions and durability tests; data acquisition system and appropriate instrumentation; exhaust gas analyzers; BUNKER fuel and lubricating oil testing laboratory for medium-speed marine and thermoelectric engines; thermal machine benches for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching; parallel Linux cluster with single access through one of the computers, also accessible via the Internet through a secure connection.
Head of Laboratory: Albno Jose Kalab Leiroz
Secretary: Marcia
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8808
Address: 1970 - Technology Center - Block I 136 - University City, 21941-914, RJ
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