Home: 2010
Operation: modeling and numerical simulation for dynamic and static stress analysis, considering geometric and material linearity and non-linearity effects.
Current activities: Research in the field of structural control and identification has led to the development of prototypes and experiments to identify material properties and to propose mathematical formulations and numerical algorithms suitable for solving the resulting models. Research in numerical methods involves not only the use of commercial finite element packages such as ABAQUS©, but also the development of proprietary codes, integrated or not with commercial codes.
Interaction: Laboratory of Heat Transmission and Technology (LTTC), in the area of thermoelasticity; Laboratory of Acoustics and Vibrations (LAVI), in the area of identification of material properties; Metallurgy and Materials Program, in the area of Composite Materials and Manufacturing Processes of Nanostructured Materials; Civil Engineering Program, in the area of structural identification.
Head of Laboratory: Lavinia Maria Sanabio Alves Borges
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8801
Address: 2010 - Technology Center - Block I 231 - University City, 21941-914, RJ