Home: 2010
Operation: provides cross-cutting action for shared activity among mathematicians, physicists and engineers, offering ideal conditions for research into multiphase flows to all groups working in fluid dynamics located in the natural science and technology centers of UFRJ.
Features: measurement of dynamic properties of multiphase flows of technological and scientific interest.
Installations: scientific instrumentation based on thermal anemometry (TA), laser Doppler anemometry (LDA), particle image velocimetry (PIM), electro-resistive sensors and other techniques relevant to the quantification of multiphase flows; general-purpose experimental apparatus for experimentation in air (a 12-meter-long stratified wind tunnel with a 0,67x0,67 test section, an 8-meter-long wind tunnel with a 4x0,3x0,3 m test section, a free jet, a confined jet).
Head of Laboratory: Julina Braga Rodrigues Loureiro
Secretary: Renata
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3621-3548/3549/3550/3552/8798
Address: 2010 - Moniz Aragão Avenue, 360 - Block 02 1st Floor - University City, 21941-594, RJ
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