Home: 2010
Operation: generation of original knowledge in turbulence; development and technological innovation with design and construction of experimental equipment.
History: with established expertise in aspects related to mathematical modeling of turbulence, the Laboratory's activities focused on implementing a consistent program of experimental research. As a result, the Laboratory is now self-sufficient in thermal anemometry and in electro-resistive techniques for measuring the properties of multiphase fluid systems.
Equipment: aerodynamic tunnel, used for studies related to the characterization of flows at the leading edge of a flat plate; stratified tunnel, used for studies on flows over rough surfaces, with topographic variation; axisymmetric jets incident perpendicularly on a heated surface are studied in a specific apparatus; bubble plumes are studied in a stagnant tank; high-speed camera (8.000 frames per second), micromanometers, thermocouples and various support equipment and LDV systems. All experimental apparatuses are fully automated, having their own sensor positioning system and specific instrumentation.
Head of Laboratory: Julina Braga Rodrigues Loureiro
Secretary: Renata
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3621-3548/3549/3550/3552/8798
Address: 2010 - Technology Center - Block I 138 - University City, 21941-914, RJ
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