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03 07 MECANICA Areas Compact Separator Technology LaboratoryHome: 2010


Operation: provides the basic and essential infrastructure for the design, manufacture, testing, and experimentation of micro-systems, for primarily interdisciplinary action, bringing together interests and motivations from different research areas at UFRJ and other groups in the country.

Installations: operates on three platforms, namely photolithography, micro-machining and laser ablation, using microscopy, optical techniques and infrared thermography to acquire flow and thermal field data.

Head of Laboratory: Carolina Palma Naveira Cotta



Contact: Tel. 21 - 3621-3551/3567 / E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 2010 - Moniz Aragão Avenue, 360 - Block 04 2st Floor - University City, 21941-594, RJ


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