Home: 1970
The Heat Transmission and Technology Laboratory (LTTC) brings together computational resources (hardware and software) for the development of research, teaching and extension activities in Engineering and Thermal Sciences in general. It also has ASTM standard equipment for identifying thermophysical properties. Among these equipments, the Netzsch LFA-447 Nanoflash stands out, based on the Flash method for identifying thermal diffusivity according to ASTM E1461.
According to this standard, the flash method can also be used to identify thermal conductivity and specific heat. The Netzsch LFA-447 Nanoflash from LTTC is the secondary standard equipment for identifying thermal diffusivity in Brazil. This equipment was acquired in a cooperation project with INMETRO, which has the primary standard equipment. Over the last few years, experimental research into thermal microsystems and thermal intensification with nanofluids has been intensified, resulting in the assembly of dedicated thermo-hydraulic circuits, with advanced instrumentation and automatic data acquisition, and leading to the proposal of the new Microfluidics and Microsystems Laboratory (LabMEMS) at EM/UFRJ. Based on an International Cooperation project with France (CNPq/CNRS), LTTC developed techniques for identifying thermophysical properties using infrared camera thermography, introducing this non-intrusive experimental technique for thermal characterization research in the country. A FLIR ThermoVision® SC660 camera manufactured by Flir Systems for long wavelengths (between 7,5 and 13 micro-m) was purchased. The temperature measurement by the camera is based on the conversion of infrared radiation into an electrical signal, which causes the thermographic image to be generated. The ThermoVision-SC660 uses uncooled FPA - Focal Plane Array micro-bolometer detectors. The ThermoVision-SC660 lens has a standard focal length of 18mm with a field of view of 25° by 19°. The 16-bit video output modes, with a rate of 60 frames per second, present a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels and a spatial resolution of 25 micro-m.
Head of Laboratory: Gabriel Lisbon Verissimo
Secretary: Julius Caesar
Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8778
Address: 1970 - Technology Center - Block I 132 - University City, 21941-914, RJ