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03 07 MECANICA Areas Compact Separator Technology LaboratoryHome: 2010


Operation: development of experimental and theoretical methodologies to support the proposal of new lubricant formulations, mainly transmission lubricants, which operate under elastohydrodynamic regimes; design and construction of devices and equipment for lubricant and material testing; performance tests of lubricants available on the market, under different operating conditions.

Equipment: computer network; instruments for dimensional measurements; load, temperature and displacement transducers; experimental corrector for measurements; equipment for digital and analog signals.

Partnerships: scientific-technological interaction projects, among others, with Petrobras, mainly via the lubricants thematic network.

Head of Laboratory: Sylvio



Contact: Tel. 21 - 3938-8308

Address: 2010 - Technology Center - Block I Funds - University City, 21941-914, RJ
