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CoverSite RitmosDaNaturezaDegree: Rhythms of Nature

Author Marcelo Amorim Savi

Summary: Human beings are one of the threads in the web of nature. They are part of a complex reality that has an effective but tenuous balance. Human brilliance and lack of humility have generated the mistaken pretense that they are masters of the planet and, why not say, of the entire universe. Human culture has devastated nature in a predatory way, creating a reality of confrontation and competition that has taken life to dangerous limits.

Nowadays, problems such as pollution and scarcity of essential natural resources, global warming and its consequences are already a reality in the consciousness of most people. However, the modern paradigm of consumption and competition has imprisoned human society, which makes it difficult to think of solutions.

From this perspective, we must understand the cultural and historical error of confronting nature, giving rise to a more ecological culture. We must turn to nature and perceive its splendor and strength. Nature has a symphony of sounds and images that are impossible to describe. But, through contemplation of it, we can perceive a profound peace. Peace that is brought to us by its beauty or by its harmony. To feel this peace, we just need to be careful and patient. And suddenly, when our own rhythms are in tune with the environment, we feel the same peace and harmony.

Rhythms of Nature is intended to be a declaration of love for nature. An unconditional reverence, an act of profound admiration and respect. Understanding nature is more than a challenge, it is a great adventure. And this adventure can be understood as a scientific license since our lack of knowledge is increasingly evident as time goes by. This text intends to venture to present a way of seeing nature, inserting our lives as a part of it.

Details: 1st Edition, 2014; 76 pages; Publisher e-papers; ISBN 978-85-7650-412-2.

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