Preface to the Brazilian Edition
The proposal to translate this work arose from the lack of a bibliography that could be adopted as a textbook for Introduction to Manufacturing Engineering courses in our country. The textbooks currently used in Manufacturing Processes are focused on specific areas (machining, forming, welding, etc.) and do not present a general overview of Manufacturing Processes. The bibliography in Portuguese with this function in the past does not present the recently developed technological processes that modern industry uses, in addition to being no longer published by the publisher. Therefore, this work aims to fill a gap in the technical literature in our country.
The group included professors and researchers from renowned universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, UFF, PUC-Rio, UERJ and CEFET-RJ) who work in different research areas related to Manufacturing. The translation and review process was carried out in pairs to standardize and enrich the work. The professors responsible for the translation and review of this work hope to have contributed positively to the training of engineers and to the updating of human resources in Brazilian Industry.
Prof. Anna Carla Araújo - Mechanical Engineering - UFRJ
Translation Coordination and Technical Review
Title: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes
Author: Mikell P. Groover
Summary: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes provides undergraduate and technology students with a broad and comprehensive set of materials, processes, concepts and applications that are fully updated and linked to modern practices in the various areas of Engineering.
With the pedagogical proposal of being a compact reference, but with robust content and appropriate for introductory engineering courses, this book fills a bibliographic gap in courses that address different aspects of four types of materials – ceramics, metals, polymers and composites – with wide utility in industry and construction. The chapters have enlightening illustrations and end with review questions and problems that help to solidify learning. Students and teachers can also use supplementary materials in English and Portuguese, available on the LTC Editora | GEN – Grupo Editorial Nacional website, upon registration (described in the Preface of the work).
The richness and unprecedented nature of much of its content in Brazil make Introduction to Manufacturing Processes an essential work for academics, teachers and students in the sector, whether as supporting teaching material, a source of individual study or a reference work for young professionals.
Groover, MK, Industrial and Systems Engineering; Lehigh University.
Details: 1st Edition; 2014; 758 p.; Publisher: LTC (GEN Group); ISBN-10: 8521625197
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