PALESTRANTE: Professor Jari P. Kaipio, Department of Mathematics - University of Auckland - New Zealand. 

DATA: 13/10/2018 (quinta-feira)
HORÁRIO: 14:00h
LOCAL: Bloco G, Sala 219-B, Centro de Tecnologia, Ilha do Fundão.

Maiores informações: Daniel Castello (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Inverse problems induced by partial differential equations and related boundary value problems are notoriously sensitive to uncertaintiesin the geometry and the boundary conditions.
Furthermore, real world inverse problems practically always necessitate the truncation of the (computational) domain; and on these boundaries, the boundary conditions depend on the material coefficients outside the computational domain.
In this talk, we focus on electrical impedance tomography and pose a stochastic nonlocal boundary condition, called the Dirichlet to Neumann map on the truncation boundary. This allows to truncate the computational domain to essentially include the region of interest only.