SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d) ! Given a matrix a(1:n,l:n), with physical dimension np by np, this routine replaces it by ! the LU decomposition of a rowwise permutation of itself. a and n are input. a is output, ! arranged as in equation (2.3.14) above; indx(l:n) is an output vector that records the ! row permutation effected by the partial pivoting; d is output as +1 or -1 depending on whether ! the number of row interchanges was even or odd, respectively. This routine is used' in ! combination with lubksbto solve linear equations or invert a matrix. INTEGER n,np,indx(n),NMAX REAL d,a(np,np), TINY PARAMETER(NMAX=500, TINY=1.0e-20) INTEGER i,imax,j,k REAL aamax, dum, sum, vv(NMAX) ! vv stores the implicit scaling of each row. d=1.0d0 ! No row interchanges yet. do i=1,n ! Loop over rows to get the implicit scaling information. aamax=0.0d0 do j=1,n if (abs(a(i,j)).gt.aamax) aamax = abs(a(i,j)) end do if (aamax.eq.0.0d0) pause' singular matrix in ludcmp' ! No nonzero largest element. vv(i)=1.0d0 /aamax ! Save the scaling. end do do j=1,n ! This is the loop over columns of Crout's method. do i=1,j-1 ! This is equation (2.3.12) except for i = j. sum=a(i,j) do k=1,i-1 sum = sum-a(i,k)*a(k,j) enddo a(i,j)=sum end do aamax=0.0d0 ! Initialize for the search for largest pivot element. do i=j ,n ! This is i = j of equation (2.3.12) and i = j + 1. . .N sum=a(i ,j) do k=1,j-1 sum=sum-a(i ,k)*a (k,j) end do a(i,j)=sum dum=vv(i)*abs(sum) ! Figure of merit for the pivot. if ( then ! Is it better tha n the best so far? imax=i aamax=dum endif end do if ( ! Do we need to interchange rows? do k=1,n ! Yes, do so... dum=a(imax,k) a(imax,k)=a(j,k) a(j ,k)=dum end do d=-d ! ...and change the parity of d. vv(imax)=vv(j) ! Also interchange the scale factor. endif indx(j)=imax if(a(j,j).eq.0.0d0)a(j,j)=TINY ! if the pivot element is zero the matrix is singular ! (at least to the precision of the algorithm). ! For some applications on singular matrices, ! it is desirable to substitute TINY !for zero. if( ! Now, finally, divide by the pivot element. dum=1./a(j,j) do i=j+1,n a(i,j)=a(i,j)*dum end do endif end do ! Go back for the next column in the reduction. return END SUBROUTINE lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b) INTEGER n,np,indx(n) REAL a(np,np),b(n) !Solves the set of n linear equations A .X = B. Here a is input, not as the matrix A but !rather as its LU decomposition, determined by the routine ludcmp. indx is input as the !permutation vector returned by ludcmp. b(l: n) is input as the right-hand side vector B, !and returns with the solution vector X. a, n, np, and indx are not modified by this routine !and can be left in place for successive calls with different right-hand sides b. This routine !takes into account the possibility that b will begin with many zero elements, so it is efficient !for use in matrix inversion. INTEGER i,ii,j,ll REAL sum ii=0 ! When ii is set to a positive value, it will become the index do i=1,n ! of the first nonvanishing element of b. We now do ll=indx(i) ! the forward substitution, equation (2.3.6). The only new sum=b(11) ! wrinkle is to unscramble the permutation as we go, b(ll)=b(i) if ( do j=ii,i-1 sum=sum-a(i,j)*b(j) end do else if ( then ii=i ! A nonzero element was encountered, so from now on we will endif ! have to do the sums in the loop above. b(i)=sum end do do i=n,1,-1 ! Now we do the backsubstitution, equation (2.3.7) sum=b(i) do j=i+1,n sum=sum-a(i,j)*b(j) end do b(i)=sum/a(i,i) ! Store a component of the solution vector X. end do return END