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triangleο The Undergraduate Committees are responsible for forwarding matters related to the Mechanical Engineering course. Currently, these committees are formed according to the following distribution:

triangle1) Structural Teaching Nucleus (NDE) of Mechanical Engineering:

Filled ballVitor Ferreira Romano - PRESIDENT

Filled ballFernando Augusto de Noronha Castro Pinto

Filled ballFlavio of Marco Filho

Filled ballHelcio Rangel Barreto Orlande

Filled ballLavinia Maria Sanabio Borges

Filled ballFernando Alves Rochinha

triangle2) COAA (Coordination of Academic Guidance and Support) of Mechanical Engineering:

Filled ballGabriel Lisboa Veríssimo - President

Filled ballFabio Figueiredo

Filled ballCarolina Palma Naveira Cotta

Filled ballFlavio of Marco Filho

Filled ballDaniel Alves Castello

Filled ballAna Luiza Latini Burgani (Student Representative)

Filled ballLucas Borges Menezes (Student Representative)

triangle3) Mechanical Internship Committee:

Filled ballGabriel Lisbon Verissimo - PRESIDENT - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Filled ballFabio da Costa Figueiredo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Filled ballAlbino Jose Kalab Leiroz

triangle4) Final Course Project Committee:

Filled ballPresident - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Filled ballGabriel Lisbon Verissimo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Filled ballGustavo Rabello dos Anjos

triangleIn the case of COAA new student representatives should be chosen soon.

Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee

triangleThe Academic Guidance and Monitoring Committee – COAA aims to monitor, advise, guide, analyze and suggest referrals for students who present insufficient academic performance.

triangleGenerally, the situations analyzed involve processes of cancellation of enrollment, housing assistance and scholarship assistance. 

triangleCurrently, the COAA of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is composed of:

triangleThe COAA is composed of at least three teachers and one representative of the student body.

Filled ballProf. Flávio de Marco Filho (Academic Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering Course),

Filled ballProf. Fabio da Costa Figueiredo,

Filled ballProf.

Filled ballProf. Gabriel Lisbôa Verissimo,

Filled ballProf. Roney Leon Thompson,

Filled ballProfessor.

triangleStudent representatives:

Filled ballJonatha Gomes Tavares de Mello (Holder);

Filled ballJuliana Calazans de Cerqueira (Alternate).

triangleStudents interested in more information about how COAA works or its components should contact the Course Coordinator.

Academic Advisor

triangleThe Course Coordination designates an academic advisor for each student, who must assist them in dealing with any other matters concerning the progress of the Course.

triangleNew students, at the beginning of their first academic period in the Mechanical Engineering Course, must go to the Secretariat to be informed about their respective Academic Advisors.

triangleThe registration process in SIGA is the responsibility of the Academic Advisor.
